Apple has just released iOS 11.1 to the public, after 5 beta versions. If you have not yet updated to iOS 11.1, and are waiting for a jailbreak, you should stay on whichever firmware version you are currently on. iOS 11.1 could have patched exploits that jailbreak developers intend to release to the public, in which case you will need to be on a software version lower than iOS 11.1 to jailbreak. In this step by step article, I will let you know how you can save SHSH2 BLOBS iOS 13.5 for downgrading iOS versions for future jailbreaks. I am sharing two methods to save SHSH blobs.If you jailbreak your device, this is an important step. Because in case you lose to jailbreak or boot loop your device, these blobs will let you downgrade iOS versions or restore in the future. Aprende que es un SHSH, para que sirve y aprende como guardar con diversos metodos los SHSH Blobs son una firma segura, básicamente como un sello único que Apple genera para nuestros dispositivos con iOS Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to restore to an unsigned iOS firmware like iOS 11.1.2 which can be jailbroken. This guide has been written by Albanus Alain, one of our readers, who has successfully restored his iPhone 5s to iOS 11.1.2 and then back to iOS 11.0.3. Puede seguir estos 3 pasos para guardar SHSH blobs para iOS 11.1.2 antes de que Apple deje de firmar el archivo de firmware de iOS 11.1.2. PASO 1: obtener ECID Conecte su dispositivo iOS a la computadora. Inicie iTunes y haga clic en Resumen en el panel izquierdo. Haga clic en el campo Número de serie en la pestaña Resumen hasta que vea el ECID. 09/01/2017 · How to Save iOS 11/11.3.1 SHSH2 Blobs for Downgrading iOS 10.3.1 (3 METHODS - Mac & Windows) | Preserve Your Jailbreak w/ Tihmstar's "TssChecker"! Here is a guide to saving your shsh2 blobs for
Aprende que es un SHSH, para que sirve y aprende como guardar con diversos metodos los SHSH Blobs son una firma segura, básicamente como un sello único que Apple genera para nuestros dispositivos con iOS
22/02/2019 Seeing that iOS 11.3.1 may have a jailbreak in the future, would it be better to: Save shsh blobs for 11.3.1 and stay on 10.2, then update to 11.3.1 when a jailbreak is released. Update to 11.3.1 now (while also saving blobs). Explicamos cómo podemos descargar y guardar los SHSH2 Blobs de una versión de iOS para poder hacer downgrade a una versión cuando Apple deje de firmarla. This will only backup SHSH blobs for iOS versions which are still being signed by Apple..shsh2 blob files are unique to each device, meaning you cannot simply use the blobs of another device with your own. You do not need to be jailbroken in order to backup .shsh2 blobs. While saving the SHSH blobs for my iPhone X, I realized that Apple is still signing iOS 11.1.1 firmware file, along with iOS 11.1.2 and iOS 11.2 firmware files. The best part of the method is that it will save the .shsh2 blobs automatically for you for any new iOS version Apple may release in the future, so you don’t have to go through the hassle of saving it manually every time Apple
Hola amigos , el día de hoy les traemos lamentables noticias a los usuarios del Jailbreak Y Cydia. Saurik creador de Cydia mando un comunicado informando que paso con los SHSH de iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1, 6.1.1 y 6.1.2 que guardo Cydia, al parecer los SHSH ya no se encuentran en Cydia debido a que ocurrió un problema el cual los dejo inútiles, es decir que no nos funcionaran para realizar
A veces se usan para un tipo de jailbreak que requiere un archivo de una beta, por ejemplo, para el jailbreak untethered MONTE necesitamos iOS 4.2.1 (y sus SHSH que ahora nos los da Apple porque Update from iOS 9 to iOS 11.1.2. Update from iOS 10 to iOS 11.1.2; Downgrade iOS 11.1.2 to 10.3.3 on A7-chipset devices (not tested yet). Remember, it won’t allow upgrading from iOS 11.x.x to 11.1.2 because you can’t set nonce on those versions. Once a nonce setter tool drops for those versions, you will be able to do that. Restore iOS 11.1.2 Back to iOS 11.1.2 Using SHSH2 Blobs. today we have a great post how to restore to unsigned firmware like iOS 11.1.2 using futurerestore with our step-by-step tutorial so that you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod.As mentioned earlier, for this process, you need the SHSH2 blobs for the iOS version you want to downgrade. Cómo guardar los SHSH blobs. Este wikiHow te enseñará cómo asegurarte de que puedas revertir en el futuro el firmware de tu iPhone con jailbreak guardando sus SHSH blobs. Conecta tu iPhone a tu PC o Mac. Usa el cable que vino con el tel What is SHSH blob? Signature HaSH blobs also called SHSH blob is a term for Apple's digital signature protocol for iOS restores and updates. This small piece of data was designed to control the iOS versions that users can install on their iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple TV). Apple has just released iOS 11.1 to the public, after 5 beta versions. If you have not yet updated to iOS 11.1, and are waiting for a jailbreak, you should stay on whichever firmware version you are currently on. iOS 11.1 could have patched exploits that jailbreak developers intend to release to the public, in which case you will need to be on a software version lower than iOS 11.1 to jailbreak. In this step by step article, I will let you know how you can save SHSH2 BLOBS iOS 13.5 for downgrading iOS versions for future jailbreaks. I am sharing two methods to save SHSH blobs.If you jailbreak your device, this is an important step. Because in case you lose to jailbreak or boot loop your device, these blobs will let you downgrade iOS versions or restore in the future.
However, all SHSH Blobs are invalid for iOS 11 no matter which tool you used. The reason behind this is that the tools are not updated properly for the nonce present in these devices. iPhone 8/8+ and iPhone X contain a nonce that is far greater in size than that of iPhone 7/7+.
If your device is already on iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak and you don’t want to update to iOS 11.3.1 until the jailbreak is released then you should save the iOS 11.3.1 SHSH blobs. You can use the TSS Saver online tool to save your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch’s SHSH2 blobs. A veces se usan para un tipo de jailbreak que requiere un archivo de una beta, por ejemplo, para el jailbreak untethered MONTE necesitamos iOS 4.2.1 (y sus SHSH que ahora nos los da Apple porque Update from iOS 9 to iOS 11.1.2. Update from iOS 10 to iOS 11.1.2; Downgrade iOS 11.1.2 to 10.3.3 on A7-chipset devices (not tested yet). Remember, it won’t allow upgrading from iOS 11.x.x to 11.1.2 because you can’t set nonce on those versions. Once a nonce setter tool drops for those versions, you will be able to do that. Restore iOS 11.1.2 Back to iOS 11.1.2 Using SHSH2 Blobs. today we have a great post how to restore to unsigned firmware like iOS 11.1.2 using futurerestore with our step-by-step tutorial so that you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod.As mentioned earlier, for this process, you need the SHSH2 blobs for the iOS version you want to downgrade. Cómo guardar los SHSH blobs. Este wikiHow te enseñará cómo asegurarte de que puedas revertir en el futuro el firmware de tu iPhone con jailbreak guardando sus SHSH blobs. Conecta tu iPhone a tu PC o Mac. Usa el cable que vino con el tel What is SHSH blob? Signature HaSH blobs also called SHSH blob is a term for Apple's digital signature protocol for iOS restores and updates. This small piece of data was designed to control the iOS versions that users can install on their iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple TV).
Update from iOS 9 to iOS 11.1.2. Update from iOS 10 to iOS 11.1.2; Downgrade iOS 11.1.2 to 10.3.3 on A7-chipset devices (not tested yet). Remember, it won’t allow upgrading from iOS 11.x.x to 11.1.2 because you can’t set nonce on those versions. Once a nonce setter tool drops for those versions, you will be able to do that. 3- Escribe /shsh . 4- Pulsa en “save new” 5- Selecciona el modelo de tu dispositivo y la versión de iOS de la que deseas guardar los SHSH. 6- Introduce el ECID de tu dispositivo. 7- Si tienes un dispositivo A12 o A13 introduce el apnonce. Ahora ya tienes guardados los SHSH Blobs de tu dispositivo.
If your device is already on iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak and you don’t want to update to iOS 11.3.1 until the jailbreak is released then you should save the iOS 11.3.1 SHSH blobs. You can use the TSS Saver online tool to save your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch’s SHSH2 blobs.
TinyUmbrella for iOS is a one-stop solution for those who want to save SHSH blobs for their iPhones or other iOS devices. Now you might be thinking, what these SHSH blobs are?So here is your answer! The SHSH blobs are different for every iOS device such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, etc. it is very similar to a unique fingerprint. 03/02/2018 Apple deja de firmar versiones anteriores a su iOS pocos días después de lanzar las actualizaciones, pero aquí te enseñamos cómo instalarlas fácilmente. Restore iOS 11.1.2 Back to iOS 11.1.2 Using SHSH2 Blobs. today we have a great post how to restore to unsigned firmware like iOS 11.1.2 using futurerestore with our step-by-step tutorial so that you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod.As mentioned earlier, for this process, you need the SHSH2 blobs for the iOS version you want to downgrade. 16/07/2020